Wednesday 27 March 2013

How to Install and Remove Contact Lenses Correctly And Safely

How to Install :

1. Before use, wash the contact lens solutions first with 3-4 drops dripped on your palms and rub it gently for about 10 seconds. Do both sides. 

 2. Put the contact lens on the tip of the index finger, then use the middle finger (the hand holding contact lenses) to pull the lower eyelid.  
3. Use your index finger or middle finger of the other hand to lift the upper eyelid. Then slowly stick contact lens on the eye. 
 4. Remove your hand and blink so that contact lenses eye occupies the middle position perfectly.  
5. Repeat the above steps for the other lens.

How to Remove :

1. Wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly.

2. Always make sure that the contact lenses are in the middle of your eye before attempting to remove it.  
3. Pull the upper and lower eyelid with your finger and gently pinch the contact lens between the thumb and forefinger, then pull out.  
4. Clean contact lenses such methods before installing and then save it and soak it with solutions in the contact lens case.

Other Matters to Look :

1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with a mild soap, rinse and dry before touching your contact lenses. Cleanliness is the most important aspect of caring for contact lenses. 

2. It would be better to use contact lenses before putting on makeup. 
3. Do not wear contact lenses beyond the recommended lifetime. 
4. Do not use contact lenses if seal is broken. 

Info: If you want to have beautiful eyelashes, try this product free click here

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